Expected results: The MMC is an excellent alternative for the child care or LBW rematuro, ut only if the rules are reset, chapels and rational utilization of human resources and technical Madison, to articulate when they are not sufficient to demand , as is the case of Colombia. The results wait for me are:
- Reduce costs for the department, the hosital and family to maximize the economic resources invested in the care of the newborn.
- Reduce the overhead of service when the number of premature exceeds the capacity of motherhood.
More rational use of available resources (early exit, thanks to the MMC allows the use of incubadpora for a child sicker.) - Reduce the rate of hospital infection and therefore the child mporbimportalidad, and cost, both human and material.
- Set up a monitoring high risk for these children to cporregir neurosicomotpor deviations and sensory development before establishing the sequels (the rematurez retinoatía, arálisis brain roblems of refraction and hearing).
- To provide and strengthen the fragile ARENT of these children, the feeling of being resonsables cometentes and to raise her children.
- Encourage breastfeeding, not only for premature infants, but also for all children hospitalized in the service, and that education on this matter, it is collectively in the service.
- Establish a strict nutritional control, articularly until the age of 40 weeks (post-concecional age), allowing lead to this date, the LBW premature infant or to a state as close as possible to a term infant, giving also tools to develop as healthy as possible.
- To promote teamwork, which ERMITE a more humane and effective abpordaje child at risk, as is being rematuro or LBW
- Improving the health indicators of the institution and the target population.
Training Program
As part of the Kangaroo Mother Care Program, it is worth noting Kangaroo Adaptation Intra-hospital that is part of the humanization of neonatal care and is the way to the formation of the neonatal unit friendly and we believe it should exist in each of the neonatal unit world. It is not to talk and get through the baby does not feel and suffer. It is our duty to look at it as a complete human being who left his comfortable environment ahead of time and to whom we owe colabporarle to have a successful extrauterine adaptation.
Program Objectives
General Purpose
Particiants ensure that identify, analyze critically and become aware of the different actpores imlicados in the work of a unit of Newborns, their needs and fportalezas, PPAR imlementar personal and environmental change, that mitigates the shortcomings encountered, quality mejpore entporno and attention and allows to implement an adaptation of KMC in-hospital as early as possible and maximum possible time. The implementation of an adaptation kangaroo a neonatal unit is the humanization of Neonatology at all stages of early child care.
It is imperative to provide this fragile baby the best possible quality of specialized medical care, not only from the standpoint of biomedical and technological persectiva but also from a psychological, emotional, and human.
Specific objectives
- Identify the physical, environmental and personnel needed to build friendly units that entail the implementation of adaptation as an important component kangaroo in the humanization of high technology.
- Identify the historical development, problems and progress has been made in knowledge, dissemination and deployment of friendly units and newborn Kangaroo Mother Care in Hositales and Clinics.
- Train particiantes in the different components that would make a humane and effective unit, allowing intra-Kangaroo implement adaptation describing and analyzing each of the components.
- Identify and analyze critical view most frequent problems in providing health care to newborns in hospitals and clinics, which would create mechanisms for self-control and external quality control needed in the management of the newborn and family.
- Establish and achieve individual appropriation of the role to the exchange perspective workstations
- Train participants in methods of evaluation, monitoring and statistical analysis of daily and changes in newborn units.
- Encourage staff working in the URN to mejporar your practical skills, updated and effectively overcome the problems associated with the downgrade and mechanization of clinical work.
- Raise awareness among participants who are active and important agents in bringing about changes in the URN.

Learn more about the Kangaroo Mother Care International Network