As an institution or as an independent person, you can help in different ways the labor that the Organization has been developing
Your support is important for everyone

Investigation and improvement of the Kangaroo Mother Care Method with the aim of contribution to a better integral development of premature babies and/or low birth weight in Colombia and the world.
20 USD
50 USD
100 USD
500 USD

Support to premature babies and/or low birth weight in a vulnerability condition, to guarantee access to a high-quality health attention, framed in the advances that have been defined within the framework of the Kangaroo Mother Method, in different specialties (pediatric, psychology, medical exams, unauthorized procedures, physiotherapy).
Scholarship 1 phase 100 USD
Half scholarship 310 USD
Full scholarship 610 USD
Physiotherapy scholarship (2 sessions) 30 USD
Physiotherapy scholarship (5 sessions) 60 USD

Support to reduce desertion in attending visits to the Kangaroo Mother Program: economic support for mobilization, accommodation costs (if necessary), support for the purchase of medicines and other supplies, for mothers of premature babies and/or low birth weight.
Mothers in Distress Fund
20 USD
50 USD
100 USD
Personal Training of Health of Vulnerable Places
100 USD
200 USD
500 USD

To obtain digital access to the book, we only ask for a voluntary donation that will be used to continue promoting the work of the Kangaroo Organization for our premature and high-risk babies. The value you wish to donate can be modified.
10 USD
20 USD
50 USD
La Fundación Canguro ha trabajado por más de 20 años, con el apoyo del sector privado, entidades del estado y algunas ONG’s nacionales e internacionales. Con los recursos recibidos, hemos financiado las investigaciones que hoy son el fundamento del Método Madre Canguro y que han permitido generar la documentación científica que soporta la práctica médica, avalada por la OMS y el Ministerio de la Protección Social en Colombia. Necesitamos de su apoyo para continuar investigando y para ofrecer mejores métodos clínicos de atención para la sobrevida y vida con calidad, de éstos bebés tan frágiles.

Sponsor a child
The poverty map is superimposed on the map of premature birth or low birth weight in the world. The lack of financial resources is closely related to these births. Many families in this situation, do not even have the passage to and from the center of attention, to make appropriate medical follow-up to her newborn baby and premature. Some even do not have health coverage that guaranteed the right of access to specialized care in the Kangaroo Mother Program. You can sponsor these children by making a donation equivalent to the cost of comprehensive care for one year: only USD1.500, or other sums to support the needs of housing, transportation and nutrition of the parents without adequate financial resources to attend regularly to queries. They will thank you.

Marketteam, a reliable market research company, joins the Kangaroo Foundation to subsidize during the first year of life, the care of those premature children who require it, and contribute to the improvement of the Kangaroo Mother Method. By answering Marketteam surveys, you authorize a donation on your behalf: Below, we present the lists of those who have donated through this agreement

Sponsor a training
During the past 12 years, about 18 hospitals in the State in Colombia and more than 50 teams from 25 countries in the world mainly in Africa, Asia, the Indian subcontinent and Latin America have been trained in the pilot schools of the Foundation Kangaroo, with the help of national governments and NGOs: Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Ethiopia, South Africa, Mozambique, Senegal, Togo, Nigeria, Madagascar, Ukraine, Cameroon, Uganda, Ukraine, Kenya, Cameroon, Vietnam, Cuba, Honduras, Philippines, Indonesia, Bolivia. Chennai, Jaipur, Lucknow, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chandigarh in India. Dominican Republic, Ukraine. El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras. In Colombia, Huila, Cauca, Choco, Cordoba, Antioquia, Boyaca, Casanare, Amazonas, Tolima, Santander, Caldas, Cundinamarca, Nariño and 8 institutions of the Health Secretariat of Bogotá.