We are a nonprofit organization, led by health professionals with the task of humanizing the care of newborn infants, particularly those most vulnerable: premature and low birth weight (LBW). We encourage the use, development and dissemination of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC), a methodology based on scientific evidence.
We develop investigation for continuous improvement, diffusion trough health professional training, quality monitoring of the results to guarantee security and efficiency of kangaroo cares for the child and the family, and translation and transfer of the evidence in health politics about the Kangaroo Mother Method and the family wellness.

The Kangaroo Foundation will be recognized as a national reference center in the Kangaroo Mother Care Method (KMCM) for teaching, investigation, implementation, and quality monitoring. On an international level, will be stablished as an expert and consultant MMC center.
Our Values
We start from the recognition of individuality, of the rights, obligations and needs of others, generating harmonious relationships and trust.
We start from the recognition of individuality, of the rights, obligations and needs of others, generating harmonious relationships and trust.
We value and recognize professional work well done from the first time, managing to make a difference in each of our actions, distinguishing ourselves by doing more than a job or executing a task.
We help others spontaneously, adopting a permanent attitude of collaboration towards others, accompanied by feelings of consideration and gratitude.
We communicate openly, fairly and constructively. We approach conflicts at work in a professional manner and collaborate to find the best solution.
- Skin to skin contact between the childand the breast of the mother, 24 hours a day, strictly upright.
- Exclusive breastfeeding whenever possible.
- Early departure from the hospital in kangaroo position, strictly outpatient follow-up (rather than stay in neonatal minimum care units).
- It is important to emphasize that during the ambulatory practice of KMC, kangaroo care quality must meet the standards of minimal care neonatal unit. It is also important to avoid separation of mother and child. Skin-to-skin contact should be initiated as soon and be as long as possible, even in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
1978 until 1194
Creation of the Instituto Materno Infantil
The MMC development in the Kangaroo Organization kept the original philosophy of the Instituto Materno Infantil where it was created (devised by E. Rey in 1978, developed until 1994 by H. Martinez (1979-1994) and L. Navarrete )1982-1994 ad honorem) with the support of UNICEF, which was modified according to experimental studies results and original component of intervention, results that allowed to demonstrate the world that the MMC is an effective and secure alternative to the handling of the premature and low weight newborn before the stabilization.
2000 until 2003
Rules of the MMC
The MMC rules that are applied in these “Kangaroo Mother Programs” are the result of the organization’s work since the beginning. These rules were integrated in the rules of management of the low weight child published by the Health Ministry in 2000, and the organization was part of the document drafting “Clinical Practice Guidelines of MMC” published by the OMS in 2003.
Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of a Kangaroo Mother Program in Colombia
At the end of 2010, at the request of the Colombian Social Protection Ministry and with the support of the World Food Program, the Organization developed the document “Lineamientos Técnicos para la implementación de un Programa Madre Canguro en Colombia”, guidelines that will contribute to the guarantees of a quality service offered by different existing and future attention programs.
In 2011, with the goal of supporting entertainment efforts for a faster diffusion of the Kangaroo Method between health professionals, the Health and Social Protection Ministry, in agreement with the World Food Program and the Kangaroo Organization, develop the Kangaroo Mother Care Learning Portal, which was public in May 2012. This Portal offers every professional that practice the Method, a series of pedagogical tools that have a lot of impact nowadays, strengthening and spreading knowledge in the MMC. In this way, the creation of a national and international network is strengthened tat allows sharing information and experience in this health field.
Guidelines are updated
In November 2017 the update “Lineamientos Técnicos para la Implementación de un Programa Madre Canguro en Colombia” is publishes with the support of the Colombian Health Ministry
- INTERNATIONAL CLINICAL EPIDEMILOGY NETWORK – INCLEN Award, for the most outstanding research published during 1997-1998
- "SAN VALENTINO ANNO D'AMORE A" Award 1999, awarded by The Foundation San Valentino, Vatican City, for scientifically testing the effectiveness of the MMC and transferring knowledge to other developing countries
- SPECIAL JURY AWARD for the video "Mother Kangaroo Method" awarded by the International Film Festival of Health 1999. World Health Organization-WAMHF
- “FINALIST IN THE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR CONTEST” award, granted by Dinero magazine of the Schwab Foundation, 2005, Bogotá, Colombia
- Award for "GOOD PRACTICES FOR WORLD HEALTH 2006", granted by the Global Health Council, Washington, USA
- Award for EXCELLENCE IN THE FRAMEWORK OF SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION 2010, in recognition of the implementation of the Kangaroo Mother Care Method in developing countries, awarded by the UNDP and WHO Special Unit for South-South Cooperation. Geneva, Switzerland, November 2010.
- Carlos Slim Health Award 2012, to the EXCEPTIONAL INSTITUTION, awarded by the Carlos Slim Health Institute, in Mexico, for its contribution to the development of new and better alternatives in health for the population of Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Alas BID Award »BEST INNOVATION» November 2015, awarded by the Inter-American Development Bank, in Washington.